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JAM Sessions – Teachers
Teachers’ Tips, Templates, and Tutorials
Welcome to JAM Sessions! You, the teacher, are an essential part of the learning triad: Parent – Child – Teacher. JAM Sessions is easy and fun to teach so you can enjoy your class time. Each weekly class covers essential learning objectives in simple creative ways.
- Jesus Session Objectives – Bible verse memorization, weekly Bible story, Biblical Social Emotional Learning
- Art Session Objectives – Weekly craft, fine motor skills, creativity, understanding of colors, shapes, and shading
- Music Session Objectives – New song every six weeks, antonyms in music theory, eclectic playlist introducing various genre
Classroom Set-Up
Ideally, your classroom will have three distinct spaces to do the three sessions. Routinely moving to separate spaces for different activities helps kiddos understand the expectations for the three Sessions.
Jesus Session
The Jesus Session is best done as circle time on the floor.
Art Session
Tables and chairs are needed for the Art Session.
Music Session
The Music Session is most manageable with rows of chairs.
JAM Sessions makes it easy for you with –
- Lesson plans
- Reproducible activity sheets
- Lists of art supplies
- Sheet music
- Art templates
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JAM Sessions 25-26
Stand-Alone Units