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Love Parent Page
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Caregiver’s companion guide to JAM Sessions Love Unit.
I John 4:11 Since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
Love Unit Jesus Session
A note on week 5. We will be discussing healthy touch such as high fives and hugs. We ask that you speak with your child about the difference between safe and unsafe touch. Here is a great article on exactly how to do that. I love how they term it safe and unsafe rather than good and bad to keep the focus off of the child feeling shame.
Books on Love (including Chapman’s book) can be found on the Story Graph.
Love Unit Art Session
Love is in the air! With Valentine’s Day coming up, we focus on heart-shaped crafts. Want to do more love crafts at home? Here’s some great ideas.
Love Unit Music Session
I love music! In this unit, our song is “Languages of Love.” We sing about the five love languages.
Love Music Playlist
Here are some fun videos to keep the Love theme going.