JAM Sessions A Preschool Guide to Jesus, Art, and Music

Are you ready for the new year? Starting the Love Unit in January will lead you right up to Valentine’s Day.

JAM Sessions Love Unit walks your preschoolers through the five love languages: gifts, touch, time, service, and words. Sing an original song, do fun heart-themed crafts, and learn about how to show God’s love to others.

Look below for an overview of JAM Sessions. For a more in depth look, click here.

Comprehensive curriculum makes teaching — and learning — easy and fun.

JAM Guide

Weekly Lesson Plan

The weekly lesson plan takes you through three Sessions – Jesus, Art, and Music.

JAM at Home

Weekly Take-home Activities

Activities reinforce what was learned in the lessons.

Each unit contains:

  • Theme song
  • Theme verse
  • Theme playlist

Which JAM Sessions package is right for you?

JAM Sessions 2025-26

Purchase the entire school year and receive two complimentary Summer Jam units.


42 JAM Sessions

10 Bonus Summer JAM Sessions

Seven choir compositions

Templates and tutorials

JAM Session Stand-Alone Unit

Purchase units separately.


Themed JAM Session unit

Six JAM at Home activity sheets

One choir song

Templates and tutorials

Summer JAM Sessions

Purchase summer supplements.


10 Summer JAM Sessions

10 Summer JAM at Home activity sheets

Templates and tutorials

Purchasing the entire year is the best deal. For just $4/week, you receive:

JAM Sessions 2025-2025

Friendship Unit: September 7 – October 12

Thankfulness Unit: October 19 – November 23

Nativity Unit: November 30 – January 4

Love Unit: January 11 – February 15

Joy Unit: February 22 – March 29

Easter Unit: April 5 – May 10

Family Unit: May 17 – June 21

Frequently Asked Questions

Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions.

Do Units need to be taught in order?

JAM Sessions 25-26 should be taught in order. The Stand-Alone Units can be taught in any order.

Does JAM Sessions come in hard copy?

JAM Sessions is currently available only by download.

Do I need to be an expert in all three subjects – Jesus, Art, and Music?

JAM Sessions is made to be easily taught by caring teachers. Some knowledge is useful, but JAM Sessions walks you through each lesson and provides everything you need (excluding art supplies) to teach.

What if I don’t have a preschool choir?

That’s the beauty of JAM Sessions! Without much effort, you can transform your Sunday School class into a choir.

What else will I need to buy?

JAM Sessions comes with everything except inexpensive art supplies. Reproducible JAM at Home activity sheets are provided. Lesson plans are provided. Sheet music is provided. And so many extras: playlists, videos, tips, templates, tutorials, and book recommendations.

Need further assistance?

Need help finding the answers you need? Send us an email.